Monday, 5 October 2009

double page spread

This is my first double page spread I am going to analyse and I think this is a really effective double page spread because I like how they have done the background over the double page.

I think that the layout of the article is good because there is a lot of writing about the artist and it has 3 full columns about the artist so the customers reading this article will find out a lot about the artist.

I think that the image is linked in with the point about the customers being able to get to know the artist in the article because they will also be able to know a little about the artist by the picture on the background. I think the customers will think that the artist came from a rough background due to the image in the background, with the metal bars, rows of garage and the clothes that the artist is wearing. This is
what you would get in a rough estate in the middle of London. Some customers would be able to relate to this article. The shot of the artist is called a full body shot because you can see all of the artist's body and they angle in which he is standing. Eventhough the image is dark it has light in the right places because you can still see the artist's clothing and also their face which is the main thing because this way the customer will be able to tell who the article is about.

The masthead isn’t very good, this is because it is small, the only thing that makes it stand out is the contrast between the colour of the writing and the colour of the background. I think that the masthead would be better if it was in a bigger size, it was in a bolder and more striking font and also if it was in upper case letters. I also think that it isn’t that good because you don’t know who the article is about because the masthead isn’t the name of the artist, this isn’t good because the masthead is the first thing the customer sees on a page.

The font in the article isn’t that big so people would have to look very closely or concentrate hard to read the article. I think by the font being small it makes the article look more professional and more like a newspaper. I also think the type of font that is used is a bit boring because it doesn’t stand out to me so I doubt it would stand out to the target market. I like the way the font is because it makes a frame around the image and makes that stand out more, I think this is what I will do on my double page spread.

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