The masthead is very clear but this is only the name of the magazine, it doesn’t tell you the name of the page which would be ‘Contents’. This would be better if it did have a masthead saying ‘contents’ because the customer would be able to see what page they are one. I do think that the NME is a bit overpowered by the heading ‘THIS WEEK’, this is because this title is very big and bold and it has a striking font because it catches the readers eye straight away.
The colours are very cleverly used because it doesn’t attract one sex it catches the attention of both of the sexes. This is good because they will get more customers buying the magazine because they are advertising at a variety of people. I think I will be using neutral colours or colours that will appeal to both sexes. This is because more people will like the look of the magazine.
The contents listing is very squashed and there isn’t a specific contents listing I think that this page is just telling the reader what is happening about music and also what is coming up in the magazine. I think that their should be a contents listing that is clear because if a customer just wants to read a particular story then they will be able to find the page on the contents listing and go to it straight away, if this doesn’t happen then they will have to look through all the pages in the magazine and the customer might get annoyed. In addition I think that the customer will get very confused and lost on this page because it is so cramped. When I am doing my contents page I am going to make it clear and easy to understand for the reader so they don’t get confused.
There are 2 images on the page and these images are for the main story, they are big and eye catching this is because it will draw the reader’s eye into the picture so then they will read the main story and will want to read more. The image is a model shot and it s whole body shot. This shot shows the whole of the body and this will show the reader who the picture are of and what they are doing in the picture. in these pictures they are in a show, this relates to the headline of ‘oasis kicked of their world tour’.
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