The second feature i am going to talk about on the magazine is the Masthead. the masthead is very bold and stands out. It has a shadow behind the writing making the masthead stand out even more. The font of the mast head is informal and this makes the reader think that the magazine is informal as well. The masthead is the biggest thing on the front cover because the designers want it to stand out so it catches the eyes of the public.
Furthermore, the layout of the magazine creates a frame all around the body of the picture, meaning it will draw the eyes of the public to the picture. the designers haven't put any writing or anything else on the main part of the body so the readers can see all of the body as it is the main part of the front cover along with the masthead.
The picture on the front cover is very eye catching and makes the readers look as the magazine as it isn't what people usually like to see, this is because she isn't the typical thin, beautiful women with a perfect figure. The designers have done this because more people want to know what is inside the magazine and will want to read more. This is very clever as this magazine is the best selling magazine from 'NME'. The reader can also tell that this is a model picture and has been shot professionally rather then being a paparazzi shot, from this picture you can tell that she doesn't care what people think about her and her body because she is proud of what she has got. the facial expressions shows the reader that she is very sexy and likes posing a lot.
Finally, the language of this magazine shows me that it is very informal as it has words on the cover such as 'kiss my ass' in upper case letters. This means that it will usually appeal to people that have a sense of humor and like to find out a lot more. I think a magazine being informal will attract a lot more customer then a music magazine being formal.
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