Monday, 28 September 2009

NME contents anaylsis

This is the first contents I am going to analyse. This is a contents page from NME music magazine. The first point I am going to write about is the colours that NME have used.

The colours that the designer has used for this content page are very bright and are in your face. The designer has done this so it catches the eye of the reader. The main 3 colours are white, pink and black. I think these colours will attract more to girls because it has the colour pink on it. I think the colours are very attractive to the eye; this is good because when the customer is looking through the magazine this page will catch their eye and they will stop and read the contents. This is good because most customers won’t look at the contents so the designer of the magazine needs to make it stand out.

The masthead isn’t very clear at all and the customer wouldn’t be able to tell that this page is the contents page. This isn’t good because if the customer doesn’t know what the page is I don’t think they will stop and read the page. I think the designer has to make it clear to the customer that this page is the contents.

The layout of the magazine is very messy and squashed up this is hard to read and will be confusing to the customer. The writing is also very small so this would also make the contents page very hard to read. Also I think that because there is so much writing on the contents page the customer wont read it because it is too small and there is too much so it wont appeal to the customer.

The contents listings are very simple and the numbers are bold so the customer will be able to tell where the contents listings are on the page. Also I think the designer has tried and made a border around the contents listings to make it stand out a lot more.

There aren’t many pictures on the contents page, I think this is because the designer wanted there to be a lot more information then pictures. There are two main pictures on the contents page and these are the pictures of the band that is the main focus of the magazine. The pictures brake up the
writing a little bit so the writing isn’t all squashed.

Finally I think that the designer has used promotional offers on the contents page so the customer will look at it and will be interested. This is a good technique because customers love promotional offers. This means their eye will be attracted to these offers meaning they will look at the contents page.

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