My first point I am going to analyse is the pictures that are on the contents page. There are many pictures, but only one big picture. This must mean that this picture is of the main story in the magazine. This is good that the main story has the biggest picture so the customers would be able to tell that he is the main story. These pictures are squashed together but I think by doing this it is very effective for the readers eye. This is because lots of pictures will do this and also the customer thinks that because there is lots of pictures there won’t be much writing.
The masthead, isn’t very clear because it is squashed and isn’t as big as most people make their title. By doing this it won’t catch the reader’s eye because it won’t stand out. Also it won’t stand out because the entire masthead isn’t in uppercase; this is different to most music magazines. However, it might stand out because the colours of the masthead are contrasting because the yellow contrasts the black background.
The layout of the magazine is good because it has a square of pictures that draw the customer’s eye in and also it has a link back to the contents page with writing about it by the side. Also the text makes a frame around the pictures which makes the pictures jump out. On the other hand, I think that the layout isn’t that good because the writing is all squashed onto the page and this would make it harder for the customer to read. I also think that there is to much on the page which makes it very hard for the customers to read the text, also they are drawn in by the pictures they wouldn’t bother to read the text.
Finally, the colours that are used are very boyish and wont appeal to girls, this might be a bad because it will be losing out on customers buying the magazine. The main colours that are used are yellow, black and grey. Grey is the main background which makes the whole page look dull. The black is used for the text to make it stand out from the grey and the yellow is used to make important headings/subheadings stand out. This will attract the eye because the yellow contrasts with the black background.