Friday, 27 November 2009

Feedback on my front cover mock up!

Chris Percival
Looks good, I like the colour of the background compared to the colour of the masthead, (makes the masthead stand out, so the viewer immediatly knows what magazine it is). I would maybe fade the caption over Oasis to make them stand out more, and maybe make the image a bit bigger. I would make the price a little bit smaller as well and maybe the same colour as the masthead to show consistency.

Ben Murphy
The thing that I like the most about this music magazine cover is the layout. I think that you have set things like your masthead and main picture in a very normal way; hence that the audience will automatically recognise that it is a music magazine and therefore making it look far more professional. However, I am not sure about your use of black which is placed at the top and bottom of your cover. With extra time this black could be made to blend into your picture and this would make the cover look even more professional. I also think that the chosen colours for your fonts could be altered slightly, this would make your fonts go with the picture and your use of black a lot more.

Jamie Vout
The main heading is very effective as the font a colour stand out, comparing to the back ground and the main picture. The picture that size works very well as it is easy to see who the audience is for. However i would have a lighter back ground and some layering with the picture would be more effcitve than just title picture writing. Also i would write more about what is in the magazine to draw more people into wanting to buy the magazine.

Emily Shufflebottom
The first thing I noticed was the headline which was I thought was very unique because it is not something you would usely see on a music magazine front cover. I also think that the images are very effective because they both match the colour scheme of black and white. I like how the text is all one colour and how it is layered over the images and how the headline really catches the attention of the reader. Finally, I like how the price is at the top of the page and it matches the colours of the text. This makes it very effective for the audience to buy the magazine.

Mr Taylor
Good colour scheme, effective photo and authentic layout. I'd advise you to consider using an image that covers the whole page, rather than just the middle block. I also think the fonts could be better tweaked to fit your target auidence.

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